13 Sep Road infrastructure stakeholders recognise the need to adapt to latest innovation trends
The Madrid Conference “Enhancing Research and Innovation in Europe: the road sector experience”, organised in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Spain and the EU Project DURABROADS on 12 September, presented practical examples of how modernisation is transforming the most popular mode of transport.
As a response to demands by administrations and citizens for a more resource friendly mobility, the road sector has been developing several actions aimed at promoting low carbon solutions and innovation in the road infrastructure sector.
The European Union is playing a key role through its funding mechanism in order to achieve those political goals (i.e. LIFE, H2020, INFRAVATION). In this sense, the conference presented the European Research Strategy from its development by the Commission to implementation in real projects as well the role of Public Authorities in the Public Procurement Processes.
SustainEuroRoad was part of the main panel which offered an overview of various techniques and alternative materials which aim to reduce the consumption of natural resources, energy and CO2 emissions, through the development of use of end-of-life and self-healing materials, biomass, and software to assess environmental performance (i.e. the SustainEuroRoad software). Presentation can be found here.
Proceedings of the conference can be found in the following links:
- Agenda
- Presentations
- Photos
For further information, please contact José Díez: [email protected]