13 May Presentation to stakeholders in Valladolid, Spain
The SustainEuroRoad LIFE Project was present during the first Multi-Sectorial Road Congress which took place in Valladolid (Spain) last 11 and 12 May gathering around 400 experts.
The event was divided in various sessions bringing together panellist from national, European and international institutions involved in the road infrastructure sector. In total around xxx joined the 2-day event.
The first part of the Congress focussed on the road maintenance and its importance to ensure a minimum quality and performance levels for the European society in coming years. During the second session, participants had the opportunity to talk about how innovation can facilitate mobility of the future as well as overtaking current challenges.
During the congress, the role of sustainability linked to our sector was mentioned by various panelists as one of the main challenges. In this sense, the new SustainEuroRoad Project could provide a complementary tool to assess the environmental performance of road construction for industry and road managers. The methodology is not new but inspired in the SEVE software currently used in France. The LIFE Programme consortium composed of various European partners (France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Hungary) will bring other elements into the new SustainEuroRoad software which would make possible to adapt it to a broader European market.
For further information about this Congress, please contact José Luis Peña: [email protected]