17 Dec Interview by the Hungarian Development Center
Representatives from Colas have been interviewed by the Hungarian Development Center Ltd. which is a background organization of the Hungarian Government.
This organization is responsible for disseminating successful practices and projects related to sustainability to stakeholders and citizens. A main objective pursued by the Hungarian Administration is to inspire other companies for future application of innovative and environmental friendly solutions.
During the interview, Gábor Roszik and Zoltan Puchard detailed the development of the SustainEuroRoads and specifically the field validation in the Hungarian road Number 31 in the country of Heves, located in the north-east of the country.
For further information, please contact ROSZIK, Gábor Roszik: [email protected]
To listen the interview, please click the following link: http://nyeromagyarok.eu/colas-hungaria-zrt.html