Promoting Greener Public Procurement in road construction

Promoting Greener Public Procurement in road construction

The first article about SustainEuroRoad was published in the magazine RGRA (Revue Générale des Routes et de l’Aménagement) n°929 on September in French and English.

The publication describes, firstly, the link between the GPP and the methodology of SustainEuroRoad project (i.e. developing a European software to assists public authorities to promote greener road construction and maintenance. The second part focusses on how the new software could facilitate the comparison of the environmental performance between various proposals when entering a tendering process.

This demonstration has been done with the example of a green technique used on a section of a French road between Bordeaux – Lyon (i.e. Departmental Road 1089).

In this sense, the comparison made by SustainEuroRoad is based on quantifiable indicators focused primarily on environmental aspects (i.e. energy consumption, greenhouse gases, preservation of natural resources) and is also being compatible with other existing methodologies.

The article specifically describes the differences between what was committed by the tender before the works start and what was the real results after the conclusion of the works. The worksite required the deployment of cold in-place recycling with bitumen emulsion being a good example of circular economy and illustrating potential use of tools such as SustainEuroRoad to:

  • Promote road work techniques adapted to climate change;
  • Undertake more environmentally friendly public procurement contracts.


You can download and read the article by RGRA in English here: RGRA 929 USIRF UK_V2 and in French here: BAT_RGRA_929_P36-40_Admin