We are working
for more sustainable and
environmental-friendly roads
in the European Union

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Nowadays, construction and maintenance of roads are performed considering only technical conditions without giving a main role to the environmental impact. The SustainEuroRoad LIFE Project proposes to create, validate and implement an innovative software to evaluate and reduce the environmental impact of road construction and maintenance in Europe.

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Considering the engineering divergences in the EU road network, the consortium will consequently validate the new software on different infrastructures and environments. SustainEuroRoad will be tested in four real scenarios (i.e. France, Germany, Hungary, Spain) under different technical requirements (new road vs renovation, motorways vs ordinary road) and meteorological conditions (Atlantic in France, Continental in Hungary and Germany, Mediterranean in Spain).

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Once properly validated, the software could be used in the technical specifications of every work on roads in Europe, implying a significant improvement for the sector promoting sustainability which main results will be the reduction of 37% of energy consumption, 31% of CO2 emissions and 70% of natural resources.

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SustainEuroRoad promotes in XIX CILA European environmental technology

Promotion of the software in Latin America The new SustainEuroRoad software is not only developing a tool to assess the environmental impact during road construction but also to promote technologies Made in Europe in a global scale. In this sense, a delegation from the consortium…

SEVE software

Following graphic and media material describing the SEVE software can be downloaded here:  Video  Brochure  Commitment towards more environmental roads (USIRF & SustaiunEuroRoad) For further details, please contact Christine Leroy: [email protected]

Road infrastructure stakeholders recognise the need to adapt to latest innovation trends

The Madrid Conference “Enhancing Research and Innovation in Europe: the road sector experience”,   organised in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Spain and the EU Project DURABROADS on 12 September, presented practical examples of how modernisation is transforming the most popular mode of transport….